Carl Eichhorn LinkedIn

Group of companies and locations

The founder’s mansion is the administrative building of Carl Eichhorn Wellpappenwerke in Jülich-Kirchberg.

The Eichhorn Group consists of two modern companies: Carl Eichhorn KG and the logistics company Boos Logistik. We work hand in hand and act together: This is how we can offer our customers more performance, benefits and service.

Ein Roboter verpackt eine fertige Verpackung aus Wellpappe. Danach liefern wir sie mit unserer eigenen Logistik zum Kunden.Wellpappenzuschnitte am Ende der WPA. Aus den Zuschnitten werden in der Weiterverarbeitung Kartons aus Wellpappe gefertigt.

Carl Eichhorn KG

The parent company runs the head office of the Carl Eichhorn Group. Corrugated board is produced and processed at the headquarters in Jülich-Kirchberg and at the second plant in Niederbrechen. This is how we serve customers from:

  • the packaging industry
  • the non-food industry
  • the food industry
  • the logistics industry and e-commerce

Ein Staplerfahrer transportiert eine Palette mit unseren Wellpappenprodukten zu einem LKW. Ein LKW unseres Schwersterunternehmens Boos beim Beladen unserer Produkte aus Wellpappe.

Boos Logistik GmbH is a reliable logistics partner with its own fleet of lorries. The logistics company organises transport and warehouse logistics, not only for external customers, but also for the Eichhorn Group. Because of this close cooperation, we can act very flexibly and thus guarantee our customers just-in-time deliveries.

  • Organises the complete logistics process
  • National and international transport operations
  • Strategically more optimal location in Jülich: close to A4 and A44 / border triangle / between Aachen, Cologne and Düren

Das Eichhörnchen ist das Maskottchen der Carl Eichhorn Wellpappenwerke.Unsere Werke in Jülich-Kirchberg und Brechen/Lahn beliefern Kundinnen und Kunden im Radius von ca. 200 km.

We are here for you

Carl Eichhorn KG Wellpappenwerke

The factory in the west
Wymarstraße 13
52428 Jülich-Kirchberg
+49 (0)2461 699 0
Google Maps

The factory in the south west
Bahnhofstraße 53
65611 Brechen
+49 (0)6438 821 0
Google Maps

Boos Logistik GmbH
Elisabethstraße 1
52428 Jülich
Google Maps